Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chris Doyle Re- Visits his youth

Duo x Defgrip "Gettin' Nostalgic" Part 1 from DUO Brand on Vimeo.

In the years between 1996-2001 I gained some of my greatest memories and built friendships that will last a lifetime. I owe these friendships and memories to a box jump, wooden berm, and a few mounds of dirt located in Raleigh, North Carolina? 401 trails. Lucky for me, most of these memories have been well archived by one of my best friends and the best cameraman in BMX, Will Stroud. This documentary piece is a glimpse back at some of the great times and many faces that have meant so much to me. I hope you, the viewer, like this and I hope it makes you think of YOUR old spots and friends and what they mean to you.


-Chris Doyle


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