Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2010 Turkey Day Ride - Los Gatos, Ca.

Since it is just plain fact that Santa Teresa County Park was going to be closed this morning, I decided to get out on this ride this year since I missed it last year. I've never been up Kennedy Trail before, so it was a great way to check it out next time I need some hill climbing and my local trails are closed. I was hoping my brother was going to make it, but it was 30 degrees and he had to drive from Santa Cruz.

To my surprise, the climb was really not as bad as I thought it was going to be after I read the trail reviews. The last little hill was SUPER steep. I almost made it, but slipped and lost traction - impossible to restart again.

Except for a couple of people, I didn't know anybody. So being the stranger in a group of over 500 riders, I took off early. Plus, being a vegetarian, there wasn't much for me to eat except for a slice of pumpkin pie and Ron's wife's awesome cookies. Thanks!!

The descend down was horribly cold. My hands stung, even with "thermal" gloves. I felt pretty good with my ear covers, my base layer, an Under Armor long sleeve thermal base, Louis Garnier knee warmers and shoe covers from Performance. I have to say that I was STOKED I chose to wear my neoprene shoe covers - they made a big difference. My hand protection is something I have to prepare for better next time.

I hope everybody had a good time, I know I did even though I really didn't know anybody. I always enjoy the energy at these types of rides.

Here are some videos:

Riders going up Kennedy Rd.

Pouring into the trailhead

An Exclusive Interview with Mr.

Here are some pics:

Many of us met at Summit Bicycles on E. Main St. in Los Gatos.

An old Miyata with something warm.


The Summit Bicycles Turkey Mascot

Sweet drop bar Salsa


Entering the Trailhead

Going up!

...and up

...and up

Ooh, SUN!


... and more grindin'

Coming up to the top...

Mob scene...

Piles of bikes...


Santa with a beer...

The Filipinos brought Lechon

Da' crowd.

Going back down...


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