Before I go into the friggin' AWESOME day of riding, I want... no... need... to take some time out for a little social commentary. Sorry for my ramblings, but this has been something that has bothering me, and I feel I need express it in the rare chance that you stumble upon my humble blog. But don't worry - I'll bring it back around to my ride report and try to tie it up with a little pink bow as well as I can.
In the cycling world, in all aspects, there is a lot of despise being passed around. Call it "hate", "flaming", "trolling" or "flame baiting"... but it's the wretched act of airing your grievances in a ranting manner against others for how they behave, how they dress, how they act and what they ride. Absolutely, 100%, there are douchebags in the world of bikes - on all levels. And these people need to be shunned and exposed. But, for irrational generalizations against "kitted up roadie snobs" or "hipsters on fixies" or "grown men on little kids bikes"... I feel there needs to be an understanding among riders.
We're on bikes.
We share a passion for two wheels.
We are not the enemies of each other.
Your social behavior, as arrogant or rude as it may seem to me, is benign - as long as you don't endanger others.
When I decided to take on the 4130 Subway Series for San Jose, I was a little nervous. The "old man" in me struggles with the young BMX bucks of today - but after some soul searching, I had to put my biases aside and see them for what they are - riders with a lot of energy who are good at what they do. I was like that once - so let's let these young guys be who they are and appreciate their passion for BMX.
Regarding the O.G.'s - I anticipated they'd pull up on their vintage and retro builds, hanger queen bikes that look real good. And then there's the other O.G.'s still committed to the ride-and-huck... just as well as the young guys.
What arrived at 3:00PM on Saturday the 18th was a mix of young and old(er), hanger queens and beaters, knobbies and fat slicks - wheel sizes ranging from 20" to 29" - and EVERYBODY was very cool. I, not only got to witness some incredible riding, but heard some insanely good freestyle rap - right there on the street like it has been done for generations, by young men, keeping a tradition of street culture that goes back nearly 40 years, if not longer.
The vibe was positivity - no hate, no judging, no scorn. For having a group of nearly 100 men, there were no fights or arguments. It was what bikes should be about - a tribal sense of one, resonating good feelings and encouragement to go big.
I even saw some collisions - but nobody cared. There was an unspoken understanding that it was by accident, and no feelings were hurt, just shins.
Other facets of the cycling community should learn from this. Put away your judgements and just appreciate the community. You don't have to like everybody, but perceived arrogant behavior is easy to digest when you ignore it and concentrate on the good part of riding. I had pre-judged a part of the BMX culture as being rude, crude, hostile and wild. Are they the problem, or am I? Now, I see... I was the problem, not them. They are great, just as they are - we need these wild ones for sport progression and to keep us grounded.
I'm over the hate, the arguing, the flame wars on internet forums, the negative rep system on MTBR, the name calling, the judging. We all ride - isn't that the most important thing of all? Stay safe and appreciate the community of one.
It seems the reprobates of the bicycle world can teach a thing or two to those who are so quick to judge. My ego has been put away - let the pre-judging die and let positivity reign over all.
Photos couresy of Trent Brocker.

Source: http://www.dionridesbikes.com/2012/02/ride-report-4130-subway-series-san-jose.html
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