Friday, January 25, 2013

UNIT BMX Rider Jaie Toohey Checks In

Jaie Toohey Flair Whip 

Hey guys, the past six months or so I’ve been over-coming an injury. I snapped my Tibia and Fibula bones in my leg, both were compound breaks.

I have a metal rod and a few screws to hold it all together so unfortunately it’s been a long road to recovery to get back on the bike.

Fortunately enough I was back on the bike two months ago in New Caledonia. I headed over with my girlfriend Tegan and UNIT team mate David Girsch, to do two days of shows on the island. The whole deal was incredible, and words can’t describe how nice the location was.

Besides living the good life over there jet skiing, cruising the island in the boat, David and I had to build the jump so they gave me a Bobcat that I had no idea how to operate, but it only took me 10-minutes and I had it all figured out. We didn’t have enough dirt to build two jumps in a row so we ended up just building one big jump, which suited us just fine.

Jaie and his girl Tegan living the life in New Caledonia

The two days of demos were fun and they had a lot of people turn up to watch. With solid crowds it felt so good, and it was just good fun to be back on the bike since my crash.
To sum it up New Caledonia was an amazing time and I can’t thank Pascal and Stefan, the organisers, enough for such an amazing time.

Leading into summer I’ve just been enjoying the warm weather and doing a lot of wakeboarding. Then a few weeks ago I headed to Europe to join the Nitro Circus crew to do an action-packed, fast-moving tour, pretty much riding a show every day for three weeks with a day off here and there just for traveling.

Four Way Flair with Jaie, David Girsch, Daniel Chiarelli and unknown local New Caledonia rider  

Unlucky for me our very first show in Stockholm I was doing my signature Backflip Triple Tale Whip and I landed the trick OK, but as I rolled away my leg slipped off my pedal and gripped the rubber mat, the one I recently snapped in half. Unfortunately it pulled my leg really hard to the side as I kept moving forward and it re-opened the break again, meaning I wasn’t able to continue with the European tour, so I flew straight home to my specialist and he took X-Rays. He explained it pretty much looked like someone got their two fingers and popped the bone back open, and luckily I had the metal rod still intact, which stopped it from snapping my leg clean in half again.

The doctor said there is nothing he can do, just give it time and keep walking on it and it will compress back together and it should heal in no time. 

So for me now I’m back home in Oz just working on getting this leg nice and strong and ready for a big dirt contest called Xup, which will be held on the Central Coast of NSW in January. It’s going to be a big event and lots of fun, and then I head off to NZ for another Nitro Circus Live tour, so 2013 will kick off with a busy few months and I’m defiantly looking forward to it.


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