Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Team Social Pace DerpDey Ride

Opening up my posts with "Man, I haven't posted here in awhile..." seems redundant at this point. I feel like I've started my last 5 posts like that - but it's true. Life gets crazy busy, work, holidays, riding, etc. But mostly work for me.

This week-in-blog won't be complete without a full and fair report about my DerpDey (birthday) Ride that we had on March 24th. The idea was to not really celebrate my birthday, per se, but to celebrate riding stupid bikes. I wanted everybody to try their best to leave behind their carbon fiber, 11sp, 19lb. race bike, and unhang that weird, old, steel, klunker of a MTB from the rafter. Unfortunately, not everybody has such a steed - so, it turned into a "brung what'cha rung" ride.

We all showed up at the usual spot. Some brought some Derp bikes - most notably - Pmarshall's WWII skiptooth beach cruiser. Pics are below for proof, and it was definitely derpy. Later on that day, other riders were saying things, like, "Wow, we've seen some weird bikes today... some crazy dude was on a beach cruiser!". Robert brought his sweet fat bike with a modified lefty fork, Brett had his fat bike; Chris on his CX bike, etc. We climbed Rocky Ridge and had shots and beer at the top.

There were countless pinch flats on this ride - it got so bad, that the group started to run out of spare tubes. Chris locked his keys in his truck. When we asked why didn't he just call his wife, he said he locked his phone in there, too. He was drunk off warm beer and sitting in the dirt like a homeless guy when we found him. TJ and Brett crashed, but in Brett-like fashion, he - filled with beer and shots - went out to try and crush some Strava segments.

It was hot, people got sunburned, but the reports back indicated that this was the most fun, hilarious ride the guys have been on in a long time. This wasn't even about MTB'ing - it was about being with friends - and I must say - this was the best birthday with friends I've had in years. Thank you all for coming out and spending the day together. You guys are worth more than gold to me - and without getting all sappy, I am extremely grateful for such friends.

Comments and more pictures can be found HERE.


Source: http://www.dionridesbikes.com/2013/04/team-social-pace-derpdey-ride.html

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