Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Welcome to the Team: Devon Smillie

The Basics:
Name: Devon Smillie
Age: 18
Hometown: Santa Clara, Ca
Resides: Suwanee, Ga
Year started bmx and why: I started in 95' when I was three because my mom raised me on Jeremy McGrath Steel Roots and Crusty Demons videos. I wanted to be like the fmx guys.

Fill in the Blanks:
Being a part of the Action Village team to me means [being apart of one of the best teams put together! ]

The first thing I did when I found out I got sponsored was [do a little dance! Then went to ride. ] 

[ ] is my favorite website besides 

I would [hang five a mile ] for 100 dollars.

My favorite pros are [The Action Village pro team! Along with Dennis Enarson, Tony Hamlin, Nathan Williams, I could go on forever. ]

My favorite bike spot is [the city of Atlanta! ] 

Everyone should take time to [enjoy what life has to offer. ]

My favorite thing besides BMX is [skateboarding. Along with bmxing, I've skated for about 8 years or so. It's fun to hop on a board every now and then. ]

The last person I called was [the tattoo shop! I'm getting my first tat! ]

The best advice I ever got was [keep movin' forward. Life goes on. ] 

With my $1000 shopping spree I'm going to buy [ A new complete skateboard! Some small parts here and there like tires, grips, etc. Clothes?a lot of clothes. and of course some new shoes will have me in a good mood!]

Devon Smillie from Eric Stewart on Vimeo.


BMX bike BMX game alans BMX ride BMX BMX museum

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