Tuesday, December 18, 2012

4130 Subway Series - San Jose, Ca.

We're bringing the 4130 Subway Series to Nor-Cal! SHARE THIS WITH YOUR FRIENDS!

Date: February 18th, 2012
Start: 150 East San Fernando St., San Jose, Ca. - San Jose State University Martin Luther King Jr. Library
Time: 3:00pm - ?:??pm

First ride will be in San Jose, Ca. meeting at the Martin Luther King Jr. Library at San Jose State University. This is a BMX/Urban/Street ride, so come with your 20", 24" or 26" bikes. Everyone is invited, but this ride is truly for the O.G.'s. Street, dirt jumpers, BMX cruisers, side-hacks, trials, flatland - all are welcome.

We will end the ride at the San Jose City Hall on 4th and Santa Clara.

THIS IS NOT a fixie ride, San Jose Bike Party or Critical Mass, so please don't make it that. This is a BMX/street ride where the buzzing of freewheels will be our soundtrack for the afternoon and evening.

The loop is 10.34 miles and will take us to Santana Row and back using the main streets. There are stops every 2-3 miles at major intersections so nobody gets lost, but you are on your own if you do. The ride starts at 3:00pm and will end just in time for an early dinner (you're going to be hungry by that time) and there are plenty of options in and around the end point back at San Jose State University.

Some of you will choose to stop and session some areas, which is cool - but please stay legal. If you choose to ride something you're not supposed to, break the law or get popped for something illegal (riding or otherwise), you are on your own.

We may be riding into the evening, so bring some front and rear bicycle lights. Riding without lights at night is illegal - again, you are on your own.

Let's have some fun. Please, no monkey business and no bad attitudes. Rain WILL cancel and re-schedule this ride, so let's hope the weather holds up for us.

The route is HERE.

Here's how it goes down in Las Vegas:

Source: http://www.dionridesbikes.com/2012/01/4130-subway-series-nor-cal.html

BMX bike BMX game alans BMX ride BMX BMX museum

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