10 Guys In A Van ? 2011 Old School BMX Reunion Trip to Woodward West. from AB on Vimeo.
Source: http://eugenebmx.blogspot.com/2011/04/trip-edit.html
10 Guys In A Van ? 2011 Old School BMX Reunion Trip to Woodward West. from AB on Vimeo.
Source: http://eugenebmx.blogspot.com/2011/04/trip-edit.html
Source: http://www.bmxfreestyler.com/2013/04/happy-43rd-birthday-pete-brandt.html
One of the most important features of a bearing relating to smoothness and longevity is the ball size and the quantity of them. Below are 3 scale drawings of our Enduro Bottom Bracket bearing, a competitors? standard Bottom Bracket bearing and a really sub-standard design of Bottom Bracket Bearing we purchased from another website.While the static capacity of our bearing is 726 lbs. and the sub-standard bearing is only 229 lbs., if this is not enough to convince you of ours, consider the fact that the larger balls of the Enduro bearing will roll easier and with less energy loss than the smaller balls in the other bearings.The Enduro balls will spin about 1/2 as many times for 1 crank rotation, and, because of the deeper ball groove they sit in, will stay in alignment of the ball path and with less friction during the high torque forces exherted by a typical crankset.A deeper ball groove also lends to the lateral strength of a bearing. The groove or ball paths in our bearings are the deepest possible, cupping the bearing to the maximum height and support; see the Side Profile Illustrations:
Source: http://www.dionridesbikes.com/2013/03/real-word-cycling-rwc-bb-replacement.html
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Source: http://actionvillagebmx.blogspot.com/2010/11/jeff-k-spotlight.html
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Source: http://eugenebmx.blogspot.com/2011/04/saga-continues-day-2-part-1.html
Source: http://bmxunion.com/daily/sneak-peek-stranger-street-tire/
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Source: http://www.bmxfreestyler.com/2014/05/dax-wolford-is-now-on-reklamation-bikes.html
Source: http://www.dionridesbikes.com/2013/05/ramblings-disconnecting-from-forums-bmx.html
Source: http://eugenebmx.blogspot.com/2011/04/traveling-music.html
Source: http://www.bmxfreestyler.com/2013/03/dustyn-alt-hyvest.html
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Source: http://www.bmxoutsiders.com/blog/bmx-society-reunion-show-2014-re-cap/
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Source: http://actionvillagebmx.blogspot.com/2011/03/message-from-chris-doyle.html
Source: http://actionvillagebmx.blogspot.com/2011/03/message-from-chris-doyle.html
Source: http://actionvillagebmx.blogspot.com/2010/12/chris-doyle-ultimate-set-up.html
Source: http://actionvillagebmx.blogspot.com/2010/11/welcome-to-team-joel-pierazek.html
Source: http://www.bmxoutsiders.com/blog/scion-av-x-slbarbier-bmxpert-re-cap/
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Source: http://actionvillagebmx.blogspot.com/2010/11/gary-young-signiture-sunday-bikes.html
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Source: http://eugenebmx.blogspot.com/2011/04/when-im-dancing-dirty.html
Source: http://bmxunion.com/daily/cancer-bats-devils-blood-featuring-chijioke-okafo/
Source: http://bmxunion.com/daily/product-macneil-default-frame/
Source: http://www.dionridesbikes.com/2013/04/team-social-pace-derpdey-ride.html